Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Journal 1

In the first lesson we got told what we will be doing for our final year in media.  We got told that we will be doing a music video, but before you can make one, you have to put a lot of research and planning into it. So we started doing some immediate theory on music video and focused on Goodwins Theory. The theory behind Goodwins Theory is that the video will include these 6 rules:

1. The record company's demands for exposure of the artist will mean a lot of close-up shots of the singer.
2. There will be a relationship between music and visuals.
3. There will be a relationship between lyrics of the visuals.
4. There will be genre characteristics, for example rock music videos show live performance, hip hop videos present an image of wealth and "gangsta" lifestyle and bot bands have dance routines.
5. There will be references to the notion of looking for example, television screens, mirrors or people looking at each other or at the audience.
6. There will be some use of intertextual referencing.

They don't have to all apply this theory as some artists try to rebel against it.

We then tried to see if Jay-Zs '99 Problems' applied Goodwins Theory and I have written my findings on another blog post. 

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