Friday 11 January 2013

Production Schedule - Week 1

Monday 14th January 2013-
On Monday after break we are going to start filming our music video. During this time we are going to start filming the opening scene, which is in school. During these two hours we would like to complete all the shots that will be in the school.  We will have to use the school equipment as we are showing we are recording it in a studio.

Tuesday 15th January 2013-
On Tuesday we would like to start editing the shots that we have developed. We would like to see how our shots work. During the 2 hours we are looking to complete the shots that we have recorded and would like to see if they work properly.

Wednesday 16th January 2013

Thursday 17th January 2013-
On Thursday we will be looking to go to one of our other locations, Depending on the weather we would like to go and shoot as many shots as we could during Thursday of the park scene and see how the scene works. We will not need to require many props, as we are not bringing many things in the park.

Friday 18th January 2013-
On Friday depending on how many shots we have we will go and finish one of our shots that we need for that location. Once we have done this then we would like to start editing during last lesson and put things together. We wont need to take any props again.

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