Thursday, 22 November 2012

Journal 5

We have now moved on to making our storyboards and making our photo animatic. We started by going through the lyrics and writing on the sheet all of our ideas, and making sure we understand the song and what is about.

As a group we then decided what we wanted to do for the each of the verses and develop our idea from there and started to think about what effects we could use, so it will look effective.

Once our main ideas were down, we done our draft copy first. Our draft was okay, but it wasn't neat and very presentable and we also had to add more frames in because otherwise each individual shot would be too long once we started filming it. Then we done our main storyboard and made it neat and tidy and easily understandable. We then took photos of each individual frame and made it into a photo animatic and put the music on it to see how our music video would plan out. Our animatic needs minor adjustments but I think it will be effective.

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